Embark on an extraordinary journey with Buster Bill in "Buster Bill - A Tillkoo Tale." This enchanting adventure follows young Buster Bill as he uncovers hidden realms, forges new friendships, and discovers the profound secrets of the universe.
In the tranquil year of 1927, an ordinary errand for his grandma leads Buster to an astonishing discovery—a time machine that transports him to the mystical realm of Tillkoo. Guided by the enigmatic Queen of the Ettiairies and accompanied by his loyal dog Sam, Buster navigates through magical landscapes, encounters otherworldly beings, and learns about the extraordinary power of imagination and friendship.
From the bustling spaceports of alien worlds to the majestic Tillkoo Mountains, Buster's journey is filled with awe-inspiring sights and thrilling adventures. Alongside his new friends Rascal, Rascaletti, and Seth, he uncovers the mysteries of the Ettiairies, ambassadors of Tillkoo, and experiences the wonders of intergalactic travel.
As Buster delves deeper into the magic of Tillkoo, he discovers his unique gift and the significant role he plays in maintaining the cosmic balance. Through his encounters with wise mentors and enchanting beings, Buster learns about the interconnectedness of all existence and embraces his true calling.
Buster Bill - A Tillkoo Tale: Chapter .1 - (1927 Time Machine)
Explore Tillkoo®, an Australian trademark leading a global creative revolution. Tillkoo's ethereal expanse symbolizes a profound realm of potential and unseen forces, merging the metaphysical with the physical. At Tillkoo Studios and Productions, we celebrate creativity as the essence of existence, showcasing groundbreaking retail, media, and artistic experiences that bridge local ingenuity with global innovation.